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What is a Concussion?

A concussion is defined as a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain. It is inducedby shear stress to the brain tissue caused by rotational or angular forces.*

A concussion may becaused by a direct blow to the head, face, neck or elsewhere on the body, but adirect impact to the head is not always required to sustain a concussion;impulsive forces transmitted to the brain may be sufficient to result in injuryto the brain.*

What is Concussion Rehabilitation?

  • A systematic, evidence-based approach to establishing treatment goals and priorities based on an individuals’ symptoms and level of dysfunction (as compared to their baseline scores and as measured through the post-concussion assessment).
  • A comprehensive assessment with a hands on assessment of the cervical region, vestibular function, visual impairments, ocular motor control, autonomic dysfunctions, balance, and the Buffalo Concussion Treadmill test.

(McCrory et al., 2013 and Scorza et al., 2012). 

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